Pliant Meta-blocks


Pliant supports a list of handful meta-blocks executing particular actions.

  • Action - the most common block. Each of Pliant’s integration blocks are actions. Same goes for the most of the Common ones. Actions are sub-flows which are being executed in the scope of their parent flow.

  • Assign - used to assign a value to a variable. It is a simplified version of the Function block. More information: Assign

  • Auth Override - used to override authentications by selecting authKey. All overridable parameters are listed in the node so the user can choose what values to set to the properties and use the result of the AuthOverride block down the flow. More information: AuthOverride, AuthOverrideJSON

  • Break - used to exit from a loop. More information: Break

  • Comment - used for adding descriptive texts in the flow. The Comment block is a flow that does nothing.

  • Continue - used to skip the current iteration of a loop. More information: Continue

  • End - the last node of the flow. It doesn’t have any input and output parameters.

  • Exit - used to terminate the flow. It doesn’t have any parameters. It always connects to the End node. More information: Exit

  • ForEach - used for looping over a collection (array) of items. More information: ForEach

  • ForEach Parallel - same as ForEach but it provides the option to run multiple iterations in parallel. More information: For Each Parallel

  • Function - used for writing custom code/scripts. Anything that can be done by using all the other blocks could be done with Function blocks as well. More information: Function

  • Goto - used for changing the direction of a flow. It expects the node that the flow’s execution should continue with. Currently, Goto is an internal block!

  • If - used for splitting the logic of the code by using a condition. If block contains two subsequences - then and else. More information: If

  • Parallel Repeat - same as Repeat but it provides the option to run multiple iterations in parallel. More information: Parallel Repeat

  • Repeat - used for repeating a subsequence n times. More information: Repeat

  • Start - used for defining flow’s variables. It is not part of the actual nodes collection in a flow. More information: Start

  • Switch Case

  • Throw

  • Try - used for ensuring that a subsequence will not finish the execution with failure because of a thrown error. It contains two subsequences - try and catch. Catch subsequence is executed if there is an error thrown in the try subsequence. More information: Try

  • While - used for looping until a given condition is true.