

In most blocks in Pliant (such as If), expressions could be used for specifying conditions. The expression syntax follows some common JavaScript rules.

There are different types of operators that could be used to build expressions. In this article we will name a few:

1. Arithmetic operators - like “+” for addition, “*” for multiplication, and “%” for remainder

Example: if ($i + 3 == 7)

2. Equity operators - like “==” for equal to and “!=” for not equal to

Example: if ($i != 5)

3. Identity operators - like “===” and “!==” for testing if data types are the same

Example: typeof $A18.result === 'object'

4. Logical operators - like “||” for OR and “&&” for AND

Example: if ($i != 5 && $p == 2)

5. Comparison operators - like “>” for greater than and “<=” for less than or equal to

Example: if ($i > 6)

6. Conditional operators - like if equal to true or false

Example: if ($testvariable1 == true)

7. Variable as a condition - just the name of the variable, $testvariable1 would equal to true if set and false if not

Example: if ($testvariable1)

8. Subconditions

Example: $fullname.includes("Smith")