
Software development kit (SDK) is the complete set of APIs that allows programmers to perform actions for creating and developing integrations within Pliant.

The SDK has the ability to load single and multiple integrations at once.

All of them are found listed on the right of the Workflow editor screen and can be used to achieve various purposes.

Integrations are uploaded to Pliant through an integration endpoint and appear in a corresponding place on that list, ready for use.

In their raw form, they are .zip files consisting of several components:

  • A folder dedicated to "Flows." These are the "blocks" of the integration.

  • A folder dedicated to "Icons." This is the icon of the integration.

  • A folder dedicated to "Javascript." This is the module or script of the integration.

  • A file dedicated to the description of the integration. It is called "manifest" and it must contain a "manifest version," an integration name and a version of the integration. Additionally, it can have a description, author details, and dependencies necessary for proper functioning.