Release Notes for 2023.3

Version 2023.3.478

Available on: 31 October 2023

Component Details:

addon-ansible:1.16.0, addon-faas:1.8.0, addon-mqws:1.10.0, addon-napalm:3.6.0, addon-textfsm:1.8.0, addon-themes:1.64.0, pliant-api-radius:1.12.0, pliant-api:1.153.3, pliant-app-gateway:1.24.1, pliant-compiler:1.25.0, pliant-db-migration:1.40.0, pliant-faas-image-builder:1.4.1, pliant-flow-converter:1.25.0, pliant-front:2.1.5, pliant-image-registry:2.8.3003, pliant-integrations:2.131.12, pliant-proxy:1.32.0, pliant-python-pipreqs:1.4.2, pliant-scheduler:1.22.0, pliant-versioning:1.22.0, pliant-worker-nodejs-config:1.25.0, pliant-worker-nodejs-remote:1.51.1, pliant-worker-nodejs:1.113.5

Release notes - Pliant - Version 2023.3

Supported Browsers and OS

Supported OS: 

  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04, 20.04

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Apple Safari

Supported Screen Resolutions:

Full HD (1920x1080) or higher, with browser zoom level at 100%.

Upgrading from Prior Versions:

Before upgrading to version 2023.3 it is mandatory to set the HOST_URL variable to the working FQDN when setting up the Kubernetes environment. See Setup SAML authentication for more information.

Key features and improvements

Python FaaS

The new Python block allows you to run Python code inside the workflows. You can seamlessly pass data from the workflow to the Python script and vice versa. The system caches builds to accelerate processing when deploying multiple copies of the same block. The Python block is accessible from the FaaS folder in the Integration Palette in the Workflow Editor. You can drop it onto any desired location within a workflow.

Python FaaS Block in a flow layout

IPv6 Support

Pliant now supports IPv6-only deployments as well as dual-stack. This emphasizes our commitment to support complex enterprise and service provider use cases.

Run on Worker Group Block

Run on Worker Group block is now available under the Common folder in the Workflow Editor Palette. You can use it to delegate the execution to a different worker group. Once placed onto the workflow, you can drag any block onto it and set the worker group to execute it.

The Run on Worker Group block in a flow layout

Split Meta Block

You can use the new Split block to orchestrate workflows into branches enabling parallel execution. You can branch as many times as needed to create complex and performance-optimized automations.

A block with 3 Split branches in the workflow editor

Worker Group Proxy IP Exclusion

You can define IP addresses that are excluded from a proxy connection. This option is available from the worker group configuration menu.

An excluded host from the Proxy

Other UX and under-the-hood improvements


The Pliant team is delighted to present you with this important milestone, making it easier to deliver on your business needs in a powerful and easy way.

The underlying Pliant engine is improved and updated. This quarterly release features updates such as the Java LTS and Angular LTS thereby improving the code quality and ensuring that the latest compliance and security standards are met.

The development team has fixed numerous user interface bugs which makes it easier for you to build complex workflows and automations. We have also improved tooltips across the blocks and other areas of the workflow editor.

List of improvements:

  • Internal component versions have been updated.

  • The backend has been updated to the latest Java LTS for compliance and security reasons.

  • The frontend has been updated to the latest Angular LTS for compliance and security reasons.

  • The internal HTTP library has migrated to Axios.

  • Pliant now has its own UI components kit and design system making It independent from third-party libraries.

  • Security updates to all critical components.

  • Reported user interface bugs have been fixed allowing for a smoother experience.

  • Tooltips have been improved for better visibility.

  • Other proxy settings improvements.

  • Improved importing integrations into air-gapped builds.

Deprecated features

  • Binary workers are now deprecated.