Release Notes for 2023.1

Version 2023.1.433

Available on: 27th April 2023

Component Details:

addon-ansible:1.11.0, addon-mqws:1.6.0, addon-napalm:3.3.0, addon-textfsm:1.6.1, addon-themes:1.58.0, pliant-api-radius:1.7.0, pliant-api:1.144.3 pliant-app-gateway:1.21.0, pliant-compiler:1.22.0, pliant-db-migration:1.36.0, pliant-flow-converter:1.20.0, pliant-front:1.194.1, pliant-integrations:2.110.5, pliant-proxy:1.27.0, pliant-scheduler:1.19.0, pliant-versioning:1.18.0, pliant-worker-nodejs-config:1.19.0 pliant-worker-nodejs-remote:1.43.0, pliant-worker-nodejs:1.104.0

Release notes - Pliant - Version 2023.1

Supported Browsers and OS

Supported OS: 

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Apple Safari

Supported Screen Resolutions:

FullHD (1920x1080) or higher, with browser zoom level at 100%.

Key features and improvements

Variable mapping when deploying flows

You are now able to map input variables as parameters and assign custom names to them. You can override the default mapping and choose the request part - System Values, Query Parameters, Headers, or Body. This new feature gives you more control, flexibility, and precision in your data mapping process when deploying workflows.

Multiple service authentication in a single authentication slot

The authentication dropdown and integration blocks can now accept two or more different authentication services in a single authentication slot.

Additionally, the Authentications dialogs have been redesigned, and the logos of the relevant services are shown next to each authentication:

Expandable Start block in Flow layout

The Start block is now expandable and you can easily edit it in Flow layout, the same way you used to do that in Sequence layout:

Completely redesigned About page

The System Status and About page have been now merged into About page.

Applications menu item with links to provisioning add-ons

With this release, the Compute Provisioning and User Provisioning links are shown in Pliant if the relevant addons are installed, with a possibility to add more in future…

Other UX and under-the-hood improvements

  • Redesigned and unified buttons, links and icons

  • A convenient Copy button added to easily copy the raw JSON and YAML flow code

  • Worker groups are now shown in alphabetical order

  • Better handling of long entity names

  • Users are notified when the export starts

  • Improved detection of message queue errors during runtime

  • Improvements on the Pliant installation and startup scripts

  • Improved Helm charts support

  • Numerous bug fixes, stabilization and security improvements

2023.1 Hotfix 1

Initially version 2023.1.431 was released on April 13th. On April 14th and April 17th, two fresh new vulnerabilities have been discovered in vm2 JavaScript library that Pliant uses: CVE-2023-29199, CVE-2023-30547.

As an abundance of caution, we produced a hotfix fixing these under 2023.1.433 which is the current official 2023.1 release.