Release Notes for 2022.7

Version 2022.7.405

Available on: 1 Nov 2022

Component Details:

addon-ansible:1.10.0, addon-mqws:1.4.0, addon-napalm:3.2.0, addon-textfsm:1.5.0, addon-themes:1.46.5, addon-trigger:1.37.0, pliant-api-radius:1.6.0, pliant-api:1.130.0, pliant-app-gateway:1.17.0, pliant-compiler:1.21.0, pliant-db-migration:1.34.0, pliant-flow-converter:1.12.0, pliant-front:1.173.4, pliant-integrations:2.94.20, pliant-proxy:1.27.0, pliant-scheduler:1.18.3, pliant-versioning:1.18.0, pliant-worker-nodejs-config:1.18.0, pliant-worker-nodejs-remote:1.35.0, pliant-worker-nodejs:1.96.0

Release notes - Pliant - Version 2022.7

Supported Browsers and OS

Supported OS: 

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Apple Safari

Supported Screen Resolutions:

FullHD (1920x1080) or higher, with browser zoom level at 100%.

Key features and improvements

Easy import by simply dropping files on the Workflows page

You can now drag and drop files on the workflows page, and they will be imported in Pliant:

Customizable login page background

You can now set a custom background for each theme via Admin / System Configuration / Theme Customizer:

Also, the preview section was totally reworked and improved:

Trusted Certificates Support

Many customers run an Enterprise Certificate Authority and use certificates that are signed by that CA. These certificates are not globally trusted, and previously they would be considered insecure just like self-signed certificates. Pliant now supports adding those Enterprise CA certificates to a trusted certificate store that all workers will use when making API requests.

Pliant Administrators can add certificates in Admin / System Configuration / Trusted Certificates

Also, admins can set per Worker Group whether to strictly check the certificates or not via the Admin / Worker Groups menu:

If an Enterprise CA certificate is used on the Pliant instance itself, the remote workers now support trusting this certificate for their command channel via an environment variable called API_CA_CERT containing the trusted certificate in PEM format instead of disabling strict certificate checking.

More comprehensible date and time formats

All Pliant Dates are now shown in ISO8601 format.

Pliant jobs have always been scheduled in UTC to avoid issues with time zones and daylight-saving times. Now, there is a notification message about that:

Pushing to Git is back and even better now.

You can now pull and push from/to Git a single workflow or several workflows in bulk:

Redesigned Automation Center

More design improvements were made in Automation Center, changing various UI elements.

New Icons for Non-Meta Blocks

Plenty of new icons are added for better user experience and understanding of Pliant workflows:

Other UX and under-the-hood improvements

  • Cluster-level Logging in Kubernetes with Fluentd is now supported.

  • Pliant and Pliant Remote Workers are now installable via Helm charts.

  • The type checking for enums in Workflow Editor respects the main type of the schema.

  • Users can open a specific workflow revision by adding ?revision= parameter to the URL. If the revision parameter is invalid, the latest revision is returned.

  • Improved security auditing - Pliant now records who logged in and from where and failed login attempts.

  • Improved behavior on sharing and permissions

  • API endpoint for filtering workflow executions by status

  • For airgap installs, the integrations can be uploaded by a new type of bulk integration package that contains both integration packages and a pre-made Worker build.

  • Many other stability, security, and performance improvements