Release Notes for 2020.7

Available on: Aug 6, 2020

Supported Platforms: 

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • CentOS 7.5

  • RedHat 7.5

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome

  • Edge

  • Safari


Object Editor - Full Screen Mode

  • Each value in any field within the Object Editor can now be expanded to a fullscreen popup window where the user can view and edit it more easily.

  • In Full-Screen mode, users can interact with a table representation or edit the JSON representing a particular object.

  • Duplicate functionality has been added to the Object Editor, allowing the copying of existing properties.

ROI Dashboard

  • The ROI Dashboard now allows the user to filter reports by flow.


  • In the workflow editor - Auth fields support filtering, including partial matches mid-string, allowing for easier and faster selection of the appropriate auth.

  • Authentications can now be edited and certain key fields can be changed.

  • When editing Authentication, an extra column called ‘Changed’ has been added. This column allows users to set fields to blank.

Worker Group Management

  • A new tab has been added under System Configuration, allowing users to manage Worker Groups.

    • Worker groups can be added, removed, and edited. Users can change the access password.

Other Platform Improvements

  • DB Upgrades - Database changes during upgrades are now handled by a dedicated container.

  • Role Editing - Users are now able to edit the description of a role after it has been created.

  • Browser Icon - The website’s favicon can now be edited, reviewed, and changed when configuring a theme.

  • About Page - The current platform version is now visible on the About Page in addition to the versions of the individual services.

  • API endpoints for versioning and migration information have been added.

  • Security and vulnerability hardening.

  • Performance improvements and bug fixes.