Release Notes for 2020.4

Available on: 19.04.2020

Supported Platforms: 

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • CentOS 7.5

  • RedHat 7.5

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome

  • Edge

  • Safari

Features Functionality

UI/UX Improvements:

Integrations improvements - allows you to load single and multiple integrations via the UI

Descriptions to folders and flows - so you can better organize your Pliant space

License warnings - reworked and improved to make more sense to you

Validation for block names - to make your flows easier to use

Automatic log out feature - you will be logged out automatically after some time of inactivity

Log visibility - display the full flow URI in the log record modals to make it easier for you to differentiate the flows

cURL preview pane - you can now select an API key and the pane is automatically updated with the relevant tokens

authschemas can be renamed - so you can update a SDK integration even if you have already added authstorages for the integration's authschema(s)


Backend Improvements:

Various performance improvements - to make your Pliant experience better

Security improvement - separate certificates are now used for encryption and authorization