Release Notes for 2022.3

Version 2022.3.362

Available on: 19 May 2022

Component Details:

addon-ansible:1.9.0, addon-mqws:1.3.0, addon-napalm:3.1.1, addon-textfsm:1.4.0, addon-themes:1.39.1, addon-trigger:1.36.0, pliant-api-radius:1.4.0, pliant-api:1.115.3, pliant-app-gateway:1.14.0, pliant-compiler:1.20.0, pliant-db-migration:1.30.0, pliant-flow-converter:1.1.0, pliant-front:1.153.1, pliant-integrations:2.77.22, pliant-proxy:1.26.0, pliant-scheduler:1.15.0, pliant-versioning:1.17.0, pliant-worker-nodejs-config:1.17.0, pliant-worker-nodejs-remote:1.29.0, pliant-worker-nodejs:1.87.1

Release notes - Pliant - Version 2022.3

Supported Browsers and OS

Supported OS: 

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Apple Safari

Supported Screen Resolutions:

FullHD (1920x1080) or higher, with browser zoom level at 100%

Key features and improvements

New Swagger UI button for each deployment and stage

For each deployment, you can see a Swagger definition by clicking the newly added button:

You can also access the definitions per stage by using the three-dot menu item:


API Gateway now supports an additional API Key authentication schema, allowing you to set keys for on individual APIs only:

For convenience, there is also a RAW editor for the API keys JSON structure:

Redesigned Theme Customizer

Easier to use color and logo picker, corresponding to our new design were added:

Ability to search action block by entering endpoint URL

You can now search in the action blocks palette by typing the endpoint path, e.g. /v1/api-keys/:

Improved Authentications menu

Icons for authentication are shown in the Authentications menu, consistent with the Fast Login menu. The service column now includes both the integration and the service name when they are different:

Easier navigation between blocks in Workflow Editor

You can now jump to specific block by pressing Ctrl+J and entering its name. The feature works in both Flow and Sequence layouts:

In Sequence layout, you can also navigate to specific block line number by pressing Ctrl+Q. The Start block can be referred to by entering zero (0).

Other UX and under the hood improvements

  • You can now rename workflows directly from the Workflow Editor

  • You can now close the log tabs in Workflow Editor by middle mouse button click

  • Additional checks for licensing, limitations, file paths, etc. were added

  • Proxy can now be disabled without restarting the Pliant worker

  • Various styling and design improvements, especially for dark theme

  • Various bug-fixes and stability improvements