Mandatory Steps for Secrets Configuration When Default Values Are Not Used

The following guide outlines the necessary steps for secret configuration during an update when the default credentials are not used. Use this in case you have set your credentials for the services.

Execute the lines only for the services that the default value has been changed while replacing YOUR-SECRET-HERE with the secret

MySQL Username Configuration

kubectl patch secret pliant-secrets -p "{\"data\": {\"mysqldb-user\": \"$(echo -n "YOUR-SECRET-HERE" | base64)\"}}"

MySQL Password Configuration

kubectl patch secret pliant-secrets -p "{\"data\": {\"mysqldb-password\": \"$(echo -n "YOUR-SECRET-HERE" | base64)\"}}"

MySQL Root Password Configuration

kubectl patch secret pliant-secrets -p "{\"data\": {\"mysqldb-root-password\": \"$(echo -n "YOUR-SECRET-HERE" | base64)\"}}"

Set Object Storage Access Key (MinIo Username)

kubectl patch secret pliant-secrets -p "{\"data\": {\"object-storage-access-key\": \"$(echo -n "YOUR-SECRET-HERE" | base64)\"}}"

Set Object Storage Secret Key (MinIo Password)

kubectl patch secret pliant-secrets -p "{\"data\": {\"object-storage-secret-keyr\": \"$(echo -n "YOUR-SECRET-HERE" | base64)\"}}"

Set Worker Group Secret Key

kubectl patch secret pliant-secrets -p "{\"data\": {\"worker-group-secret-key\": \"$(echo -n "YOUR-SECRET-HERE" | base64)\"}}"

When you have updated the given credentials, you can delete all pods using the following command:

kubectl delete pods --all